There isn't much you need to know about me that I didn't tell you in the little top secret box to the right of your screen. I am a senior in high school, I love to read and write, I am terrible at math, I hate Twilight, I don't believe in formspring but it fascinates me to no end, and depending on the day I have mixed feelings about Taylor Swift. I cry myself to sleep at night because Justin Beiber scares me, but I do love Lady Gaga. Ellen DeGeneres is one of my favorite people in the world. I like candy a bit too much. I'm a vegetarian because the thought of eating Bambi or a baby cow makes me want to vomit. However, I am much like Yukon Cornelius about my vegetarianism: You eat what you like, and I'll eat what I like. No, it does not bother me if you consume twenty pounds of raw beef and pork a day. Though you may want to consult a doctor. Just sayin.
I am writing this on Day #1 of my blog and all of this information is liable to change. Do not use that against me. Everyone changes their mind. But if I ever decide I like Twilight, you are allowed to hunt me down and shoot me in the foot. (I say this to avoid death.) Hopefully I won't get bored of this little project and go do something else for a while that has nothing to do with blogging about things that annoy me. It happens a lot. I have about ten blog urls with about three posts each, two abandoned livejournal accounts, and an old tumblr I never use.
If you read this and like what I have to say, comments are welcome. Hopefully you agree with me. If not, clearly I need to work harder on enlightening you. And yes, I am probably going to make some people angry. I will apologize once, and never again. I'M SORRY!!! There you are. Sometimes I won't completely mean the things I say, and don't worry - you are not required to agree with me. Sometimes I will bash things I love. Yes, I love Glee more than any other TV show. But. There are some things about Glee that are very unrealistic. I plan on talking about them. Don't you worry.
This blog is dedicated to the awesome Blaise, who I could bash Twilight with for hours. Once, I sent her a unicorn. This blog is also dedicated to Alex, who understands me better than anyone in the whole entire world.