Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thank You, Taylor Swift!

I have grown tired of Little Girls running around proclaiming undying love for others. By "Little Girls", I mean anyone under the age of eighteen, and sometimes even including the eighteen through twenty-one range. Anyone can also include boys and men. I do not discriminate. Being only eighteen myself, one might say I have no authority to judge others - but I have common sense, though it doesn't always serve me well. Frequently, I am guilty of being one of these "Little Girls".

What does this mean? Where do these proclamations of love come from? Where does this need to stalk and follow and hound until boys pay attention come from? This thought that if-it-doesn't-work-out-my-life-is-over is an acceptable mindset?

I blame popular culture. Taylor Swift, Twilight, Hollywood romances, popular TV shows - they have created this world where it is okay to be crazy. Facebook has made stalking acceptable and easy! Every layout they come up with throws more and more information about other people into your face. With three clicks of the mouse, I could tell you all about anybody I'm friends with on Facebook, and probably half of the people they're friends with as well.

And you may think, "Oh, don't worry, I'm safe - I hate Gossip Girl, I have never read Twilight, and I don't read the tabloids!" Well that doesn't matter, friends! YOU STILL AREN'T SAFE! Fiction, literature, reality - everything is capable of infecting minds and making you believe that things that are normally socially unacceptable are perfectly fine in the correct context.

Examples? Oh I have lots of examples. Let's take Wuthering Heights, shall we? Were Heathcliff and Cathy in love? Is that why they tortured each other and those around them? Because they were so in love that their behavior became acceptable and normal? Hell. No. They were never in love, so don't kid yourself. In fact, I'm pretty sure they were both a little off in the head. They were twisted, terrible people who were simply and inexcusably cruel. I will further explicate this in a later post because this is merely an introduction.

At any rate. Don't just sit there and think you're safe. The world of pop culture is invading your soul as we speak. Turn on the TV and what do you see? TMZ or Glee, or maybe some American Idol. You can call me a cynic if you want to, but I'm simply going to prove to you that nothing is safe. Because someone's gotta blow this shit wide open. Might as well be me.

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