Friday, February 25, 2011

Waking Up

So you may have noticed my brilliant plan to write posts to go up for each day I was gone didn't happen. That's because I didn't have time to write them before I had to get on a plane to go to NEW ORLEANS for a week of service.

I wrote a couple blog posts on our trip blog while I was down there, and I would post them for you but they're not comedic at all they're actually very serious, so I doubt many of you would be very interested. Though if I'm wrong, you can go ahead and ask for the posts and I'll put them up for you or send them to you or whatever. My mother liked them, so I mean that has to count for something, right?

But. Now I am home, and while I don't expect everyone to understand how glorious and incredible digging up stumps, picking up broken glass, making compost piles, digging holes in the ground, sorting food, carrying boxes, and scraping and painting houses can be, but let me tell you I think I've come home a completely different person. I have a new appreciation for just how strong the world can be.

I think I'm going to throw myself back into daily blog posts, and I also have some super exciting news!

I got an email from this great woman named Ann Marie in my inbox while I was away, and reading it led me to some epic new information - I'm going to be writing for The Catalyst, an online magazine (ish?) run by Sunshine Rebel Records and Cassidy Haley (who you NEED to know about RIGHT now) after they revamp.

I'm really excited for everything I'm going to get going in the next few months, but right now I have a ton of homework to do.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Going to New Orleans?! What!?!?

So guess what guys??? I'm leaving to go to New Orleans at 2:15 today! A group of students from my school is going to go down to do service work and help doing restoration work, which super excites me. But that means I'll be away from the Blog-world for 8 ish days. Oh no, you say, what will I do without your hilarious and uplifting blog posts?

Well I have the answer - never fear! For the time I am gone, I'm going to set up as many posts to put up automatically (because you can do that on Wordpress) as I can! Which means whatever I have time to write during English class (because I'm done the notecards) and Senior Project (when I'm done my journal). So I'm not honestly sure how many I'll do but I'm just going to pick a topic and write about it.

So when posts start showing up on my blog, don't be like OHMYGOD she's HERE! Because I'm not. I'm definitely in New Orleans doing super awesome service work. You just think I'm here because I'm super. Sneaky. You know it.

So until next Friday, ttfn, ta ta for now!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Memorable Grammy Moments

1. Diva Scream Off at the end of the Aretha Franklin tribute. Ladies, this is a tribute, not "Listen to meeee!"
2. Christina Aguilera does not forget the words.
3. Aretha reacts...graciously, with a hint of "Oh No You Didn't."
4. I get angry watching the Jennifer Hudson commercial.
5. Train wins an award for Hey Soul Sister, perhaps the most incredible and annoyingly catchy song every to exist.
6. Lady Gaga acts like every other artist instead of doing something new and original - maybe it was to match her "new and original" song?
7. I realize I am not being mean or snarky enough in my comments.
8. Blake Shelton announces his fiance, Miranda Lambert, in a far too cute and cuddly and scripted moment that could have been perfect.
9. I do not know who Lenny Kravitz is. I fail.
10. Muse has super cool screen effects.
11. I debate the Best New Artist nominees with my brother. Could I be having sympathy for JBiebz? Shoot me now.
12. I discover Janelle Manae. And I actually really like her.
13. She crowd surfs and loses cool points.
14. Miranda Lambert wins an award she completely deserves, but doesn't mention her fiance in her speech. That's payback.
15. We relive the "memorable" meeting of Justin Bieber and Usher. 
16. Justin Bieber sings with his mentor, Usher. And I don't understand a bit of it.
17. Lady Gaga beats Justin Bieber, and all is right with the world.
18. Lady Antebellum: Tight Pants. The entire group is in skinny jeans. I have mixed feelings about this.
19. Miley Cyrus is deemed deserving of a moment on stage with the members of Kings of Leon. At least she 20. didn't come onstage with Justin Bieber - the teenagers wouldn't have been able to handle themselves.
21. Cee Lo Green is once again censored, and people are making more jokes about "Forget" instead of an F-bomb.
22. Gwyneth Paltrow and Cee Lo Green together? Oh boy. Didn't he...not like her song on Glee?
23. Cee Lo Green beats out Lady Gaga for Best Costume of the Night.
24. He also wins for Best Puppets.
25. Michael Jackson's music unites us, according to the Wii.
26. Neil Patrick Harris announce stuff. This is memorable because NPH is amazing. And he makes awkward comments.
27. Katy Perry demonstrates the meaning of juxtaposition! Song about eventually finding someone but not yet - and wedding clips! Yay! It was another attempt to be sweet and corny - the second of the night. Will we get a good one? Who knows.
28. I need a second bullet to
29. Katy Perry was not very good live.
30. So far the best singers have been country/indie/folk. Norah Jones, Keith Urban, Miranda Lambert, I am so sensing a theme here.
31. Cee Lo Green should have been song of the year, but. But. Oh well.
32. I'm learning so many things from the commercials - Survivor is still on TV? What?
33. Seth Rogen will always be the funniest guy ever.
34. People are still talking about Miley smoking? hahaha.
35. Rhianna got dressed in the dark then walked into a giant rotating fan. Or got attacked by a swarm of birds.
36. Adam Levine should probably not be playing piano for Rhianna he should be singing.
37. Rhianna's hair actually catches on fire! She asked for it...
38. The camera guy is like falling over trying to get this shot...
39. Eminem is always badass. Always.
40. I don't understand why I love this song, the message is so bad. But I love it.
41. All of Eminem's songs continue to sound the same. And no matter how badass he is, they will always sound exactly the same.
42. Eminem thinks he's black, once again.
43. Jewel pretends to be a country singer, as well as pretty. She is neither.
44. Best New Artist goes to.....Esperanza Spaulding!! Thank goodness, someone actually talented instead of Justin Bieber. Though I would have been happy with either Mumford & Sons or Florence & the Machine winning.
45. I realize I am the only person in the universe who has actually heard of Esperanza Spaulding.
46. Matthew Morrison pretends to be super fly. He manages to sound stupid. As usual.
47. There is a long speech that no one will remember tomorrow.
48. We remember passed musicians. Once again, something not everyone will remember.  The quality of this montage will go down so much in like fifty years when people like Bieber and Miley start dying.
49. The list is so long it needs two "moments"
50. I wait with baited breath for Kesha to crash the stage while Mick Jagger sings.
51. I get very tired when I stay up this late.
52. I debate going to bed now and skipping the rest of the show.
53. I make  the hard choice to stay up.
54. Who is he announcing...?
55. I LOVE BARBRA STREISAND. I take a minute to do a dance of happiness, and I'm glad I stayed up.
56. Alex's twitter feed informs me that Adam Lambert is not performing. This dims my happiness a little.
57. My arms hurt, and I realize that it is soon time for me to depart to bed.
58. The Grammy Awards performs a truly atrocious crime - putting Nicki Minaj on stage right after the incredible Ms. Streisand. What the hell?
59. She talks. My brain dies.
60. Literally, I can feel the brain cells going as we speak.
61. Is that a symbol of the Deathly Hallows I see Eminem wearing? No, it isn't. But I got excited for a minute.
62. I get excited because Nicki Minaj is done talking. Forever? Please? She can also stop trying to be Lady Gaga. Seriously.
63. Eminem is still so badass.
64. I take a moment to question: What happened to the distribution of most of these awards? They're done off-air. There are too many songs. Cut the medleys.
65. I forgot Puff Daddy existed. And apparently he can't talk.
66. This show keeps getting longer, and they let Rhianna sing again??? What the hell is she wearing, too?
67. Rhianna looks like she got vagazzled. Or however you spell that.
68. Twitter informs me that I'm really dumb, because Puff Daddy and P-Diddy are the same person. I didn't forget he existed I just forgot his second name.
69. JLo and Marc Anthony actually look cute up there. Third time's the charm. I'm getting the "Let's look like you're not stoned" vibe.
70. "(The song otherwise known as "Forget You")"
71. Lady Antebellum wins....again. I still think it shoulda gone to Cee Lo.
72. It isn't even that good, it's a booty call song.
73. I realize it is after 11 and the show is still not over. I get pissed.
74. I wonder who will still be reading this?
75. Somewhere in the audience, someone with epilepsy dies. Somewhere in the United States, everyone watching the Grammys with epilepsy falls on the floor thrashing. Arcade Fire.
76. I decide to go to bed and stop updating the blog until tomorrow.
77. I dance.
78. I am distracted by people screaming and running on the TV commercial.
79. Simon Baker is a cutie patootie. 
80. FINALLY. Album of the Year. Finally. Time to go to bed.
81. Epileptics everywhere are pissed off.
82. Goodnight, blog! I love you if you're reading this. <3 Leave a comment and I'll write something special about you tomorrow.

The Grammy Awards

TONIGHT I AM GOING TO GIVE YOU A TREAT! I'm going to be live-updating my post tonight as I watch the Grammy awards and try to do my homework at the same time. You get my opinions on everything, as it happens. I'll update either after awards/performances, or else during commercial breaks. As in, I'll hit publish and re-go-in to edit SO YOU CAN READ!

And may I just start out by saying I love Aretha Franklin to bits, and I have NO idea who LL Cooljay is. Or whatever his name is. But he's complimenting Aretha so it's okay. (Aretha has won eighteen Grammy awards??? HOLY CRAP she's TALENTED.)

And who is the very first singer going to be? AHHH awesome singers!!! I'm super freaking excited. This is going to kick. Ass. Grammy Awards, I love you so. And I hope Christina doesn't mess up the words to the song... She'd better try really hard. Too hard.
Can I just say I love Florence & the Machine SO much? And I thought she did amazingly with Think. And all of these ladies were great. I think it's really nice that they're paying tribute to Aretha, and that they got amazing artists from all different genres, to really reach everybody. Yay. I think the night is off to a fantastic start. Oh  my goodness. The problem is I'm not going to know or like half of the artists/songs/nominations. So prepare for cynicism and sarcastic wit galore. And HOORAY ARETHA IS ON THE TV!!! <3 She's an amazing woman and I'm so glad she's doing better. Except I'm getting the "Why did you do that" vibe from her. But I mean. She has the right. And it was still sweet. And I'm just excited so I mean, right now I'm just sitting here smiling.

Lady Gaga is coming up next!! Oh my goodness I'm excited. There are so many exciting artists coming up - I can't wait for Lady Gaga, Cee Lo Green, Katy Perry...oh my goodness. Okay. Commercial break, time to update! (Also. If I have to see this "It's a New Day" commercial one more time someone is going to die.)
Don't Stop Believin is nominated. Oh my god. Glee all the way, go Glee!
Misery - Maroon Five - LOVE MAROON 5. <3
The Only Exception - Paramore. Hate them.Can't stand Hayley Williams or whatever her name is.
Babyfather - Sade. Don't even know who they are. Does anyone know who they are and what they sing?
Hey Soul Sister - Train. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Oh my god I want three of the five nominees to win.

YAY TRAIN!!!! SO PROUD OF YOU! YOU SO DESERVE THIS! This song gets blasted in the car, turned on all the time, I'm absolutely in love with dancing to it. Yay. Now it'll be played even MORE on the radio! And I love the whole "Thank You Justin Bieber" bit. Except his hair is a mess. Why can't he just shave it like his drummer.

Lady Gaga is going to perform her new song now. Oh my god. I'm kind of excited. I am not so sure how I feel about this song, but I'm still excited. And she's in... a futeristic caterpillar cocoon? Or a space ship? No idea. Space ship I think. I like her outfit though - specially the jacket. What is up with her shoulders? This is of consciousness. I'm just going to wait and update when I'm done watching the show.

Also I think it's really dumb that people are complaining that this song sounds like Madonna's Express Yourself. So many songs sound like other songs but nobody complains because it isn't Lady Gaga and they're not trying to tear other artists down as much. Gaga is pretty incredible. And the dancing is great. The outfits are pretty cool too, though I'm not so sure my mother approves. She made a face and walked out.

That piano playing was pretty epic. Kinda made me think Phantom of the Opera. Not sure why. ....why did everyone just take their body suits off? They all look naked. And my 11 year old sister is watching this. I'm so confused.

I love Gaga. I'm not so sure I'm totally caught up in her Monster craze, nor do I understand exactly why she does the things she does. For attention maybe? I've been told she created the character of Lady Gaga because they didn't think she'd be famous otherwise. Well. Now she's famous! But I mean. Every time she does anything it's like she has to be more and more extreme and I'm honestly not sure how I feel. Eventually she's got to crash. Not that I'm looking forward to it.
I'm afraid I'm not being mean enough. This post is like, all squealing so far. So I need to really sit back and look at things from a blogger's perspective. It's going to be interesting. Maybe.
Blake Shelton! Aww he's announcing Miranda Lambert, that's so cute. And Miranda's song has been nominated of course. Aww. This is just too much cute. A little too much cute. Very corny. I'm not sure how I think the Grammys are going to be. But that song she's singing - it's one of the songs I love that always strikes a note with me. She's incredible, her songs. I remember when she was brand new to the country music scene and my sister loved her. She actually has talent - no effects or crazy anything needed. She's just singing so simply and beautifully and honestly. Now if only someone else had announced her. ( was cute. And I'm absolutely a sucker for cute things. It felt a little...abbreviated though.)
I feel like a bad person for not knowing who this guy is who's won four Grammy awards. Lenny Kravitz - but it's okay because he's announcing Muse, who I do know. And this will be interesting. I like them.

I love the way the stage is set up, and the way the dancers are working. And that screen is so cool. See, the fun thing about the Grammy awards is that not only do you get to see crazy people, but you get to see some pretty cool staging and stuff. I'm not sure how I feel about the violence/fight/dancing on the stage. But it's kind of cool. Like. Very modern and interpretive. I think. What's up with the bank? Clearly I do not understand what this song is about - what do fighting duos and banks have to do with each other? Who will be victorious, Egypt? (They so were.)
Okay so my brother and I are having a discussion about Justin Bieber being nominated for Best New Artist - and I don't know what I think. I mean, I know he came from nothing to being an international superstar. Which is impressive. And not everyone can do that. But little bro's favorite band (more musically talented) Mumford & Sons is also nominated, and I understand what he's saying when he says he expects M&S to win, but honestly I kinda figure JBiebz will. Just because he's...THE it thing right now. Though I am not sure even how I feel about is complicated when stars are involved.
Oh no. What's going on right now, who's singing? This is going to be interesting. I love Bruno Mars. Though that whole cocaine thing - really? Everyone's making a huge stink. We'll save my drug rants for later. This trio sounds like it could be interesting. Though the second "medley" of the night? (Even though it's already a song that two of them sing together) I'm really hesitant. It just feels...idk. Like they're trying to smush so many people into this show at once. And the lady is barely singing, I already forget her name....

But I like how they're splitting up the three. And Bruno Mars will never stop impressing me, he's so diverse and incredible.And I actually really like this Janelle girl's outfit. Her hair? A little too much like Nicki Minaj for my liking. Who I can't stand. But I like the way they're singing their songs - the style is so dated, and it sounds really cool. And oh my god she's crowd surfing? What the heck. Who...crowd the Grammy awards? Okay that Nope. No way.
Zac Brown and Dierks Bentley? Country Music!!! Love it.
Okay. Female country vocal.
Satisfied - Jewel wtf since when does she even sing country music... no way.
The House that Built Me - Miranda Lambert - her performance was incredible.
Swingin' - LeAnn Rimes - Never heard it. But I've heard of LeAnn Rimes.
Temporary Home - Carrie Underwood - Love Carrie, but it's like... this is another house song and I like the other "Home" song better.
I'd Love to be your Last - Gretchen Wilson - She was a fad. She's done.

YES okay Miranda SO deserved to win. She was incredible singing. The song is emotional and wonderful.
Wow so far the Grammys aren't as bad as I thought they were going to be.
What the heck, why is the meeting of Justin Bieber and Usher memorable?? I don't understand this. I don't really care. I really couldn't care less. I know people who can sing better than him. Who deserve to be famous now.

And this is really, really corny. I can' I can't even watch the dialogue between them. That was painfully scripted and very corny. And I don't understand the craze for JBiebz, I really don't. is all of this? This song is horrible. The acrobatics are actually really cool - but I can't stand this song. It's the most obnoxious thing ever. And he needs to fix his collar, dammit!

I love the cuts to the proud parents as they watch their daughter sing with Justin Bieber. Yay famous peoples' children getting recording contracts left and right!

I changed my mind. I'm really not liking the Grammys so far. This is just getting annoying. I guess most people like watching Usher and Justin sing together? I didn't. At all. Didn't do it for me. And now I need to do my homework, or else Mumsy will be like AHH TV OFF. No way.

I can't stand Paramore. But I love Piper. So I'm excited for this award.

Best Rock Album:
Emotion and Commotion - Jeff Beck
The Resistance - Muse
Backspacer - Pearl Jam
Mojo - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
La Noise - Neil Young

Yay Muse! Getting to sing and then getting to win! Though I was kind of hoping for Pearl Jam, I have some fond memories singing to their songs, though I used to not know who they are because a long time ago I only ever listened to country music. And I like their speech but it doesn't sound very prepared - I don't think they were expecting to win this... haha. But they got it! Yay!
I hope Gaga beats Bieber. I don't want Susan Boyle to win....she annoys me.
YAY LADY GAGA!!!! You definitely needed this award. Not like, needed it. But yay you deserved it. Your music is incredible.

Okay this post is going horribly. I'm going to stop updating live and make snarky comments on Twitter instead, and write a "review" of the show tomorrow or later tonight. Because I have to do homework and put pictures online so I can commemorate my amazing Boston trip yesterday.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

OHMAHGAWD where have I been?

I HAVE BEEN EVERYWHERE! Dealing with a lot of drama and a lot of homework. The past...what, two and a half, two weeks since I've posted have been absolutely the most hectic time ever. And now I have no readers. Darn. New mission, rebuild reader base.

So what have I actually been up to? I have lost four friends since 2011 started. That's okay though because I had way more than four friends to start with, so it's like, count your losses and move on. I fell for a guy and made it all up in my head (I totally identify with Kurt on this one) and then that crashed. I went to a party that couldn't start for three hours because Ke$ha wasn't there yet. I got so excited for the return of Glee that I screamed. I failed a test. I whipped my hair back and forth. I started new classes. I'm creating a nonprofit organization! (maybe.)


First. Darren Criss. It annoys me a lot that people are like, totally obsessed with him now that he's on Glee. I've been mad for him since AVPM. All you fakers who think you found him first? YOU are not the REAL fans. A Very Potter Musical pwns everything on the face of this planet. Also I quite enjoy his sunglasses. But I'm not a creeper. I just have a celeb crush is all. And even if celeb crushes never work out he actually seems like a really cool guy.

I may be writing that paragraph just in case Darren sees the tweet in which I said he should go to prom with me, clicks on my twitter, and reads my blog. Never, ever gonna happen. But hey, a girl can dream, right?

Secondly. Everyone needs to shut up about Christina Aguilera messing up the National Anthem. There are WAY MORE IMPORTANT THINGS that could be talked about right now. Like what's going on in Egypt. Or how we've desensitized ourselves to war. Or things like that. She messed up one line. She nailed the rehearsal, we all know she can sing it. She's incredible. So stop with the grief and the "omg I hate her." If you want to complain about anyone, complain about the Black Eyed Peas during the Superbowl halftime show.

Thirdly. I'm going to start blogging daily again. Hopefully you'll enjoy that!

Fourthly. I'm very tired and out of things to say. I'll write you a real post tomorrow, kay? Love you all!